E12: Dallas Luxury Realtor Tiffany Caballero on the Value of Authenticity.
Ameritocracy Goes to Dallas Part One: In this two-part series host Troy Edgar travels to the Lone Star State to meet with Tiffany Caballero a highly regarded real estate agent and entrepreneur in Dallas, Texas, one of the country’s most thriving real estate markets. Tiffany talks with Troy about the appreciation and responsibility she feels when guiding her clients through a significant personal investment and the values needed, regardless of industry, to be successful. She also highlights the importance of not squandering opportunities and being authentic in all aspects of life and business.
Congratulations to Tiffany on earning D Magazine Top Producer 2023!
Take a peak into the real estate market in Dallas on Tiffany’s YouTube Channel!
We appreciate Monument Realty hosting this episode at their offices at the Ford Center, also known as the Dallas Cowboys’ practice facility.