E22: U.S. Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA) on Tax Policy and the American Dream

Host Troy Edgar meets with Congresswoman Michelle Steel at the NRCC in Washington, D.C. Michelle takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour of her journey to America from Korea. She shares the story of her family’s initial struggles as small business owners and their encounter with the government, which ultimately led Michelle to become a public servant and tax fighter.

As a member of the U.S. Congress, Michelle serves on the Education and Ways and Means Committees. The House Ways and Means Committee is one of the most powerful committees in Congress, and its members are often among the most influential lawmakers.  Michelle has taken on important legislation including tax reduction, tax code changes to promote economic growth and oversight of the IRS. 

Michelle discusses the challenges in running for public office and the importance for the younger generations to stay informed about current events and consider running for office themselves.  She provides a compelling testimony of the American Dream.


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