E25: JIATF-S Director, USCG Rear Admiral Mark Fedor on Fighting Transnational Organized Crime

In this week’s episode, host Troy Edgar travels to Key West, Florida to meet at the Joint Interagency Task Force - South (JIATF-S) headquarters with Director, Rear Admiral Mark Fedor.  Admiral Fedor shares his insights into the mission of JIATF-S, which involves countering illicit drug, human, and weapons trafficking and dismantling transnational criminal organizations. 

In this episode, Admiral Fedor also discusses his service on the famed U.S. Coast Guard Cutters JAMES (WMSL-754) and MOHAWK (WMEC 913), leadership principles, and his perspective on collaborating with various US military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, in addition to the alliance with 20 partner nations.


E26: IBM Consulting VP & Sr. Partner Mark Newsome on Thoughtful Leadership & Veterans Affairs


E24: Police Chief Eric Nuñez on Leadership and Officer Mental Health