E4: World Renowned Artist Olga Krimon, Preparing for a Successful Career Transition

In this episode of Ameritocracy, world renowned artist Olga Krimon sits down with Troy Edgar in Redondo Beach, California to talk about her transition from a successful corporate career to an award-winning artist.   She provides an inspiring story of choosing the "harder path," which is one of calculated risk, investing in yourself, and building the confidence required to succeed during a significant career change.

Olga’s website: Olga Krimon Fine Art

Reinert Fine Art Gallery in Charleston, North Carolina

The Whitethorn Gallery – in Ireland

Hancock Gallery – in England

Cole Gallery in Edmonds, Washington


E5: D.C. Lobbyist Ryan Leavitt on Effort, Managing Opportunity and Relationships


E3: Washington, D.C. Hospitality Leader Joe-Jo Jennings, Why You Need Personal Branding