E46: U.S. Army, Director of OIB Modernization Stephanie Hoaglin on Leadership and Personal Growth

This week, host Troy Edgar meets with Stephanie Hoaglin, U.S. Army, Director of Organic Industrial Base (OIB) Modernization in Huntsville, Alabama. She discusses her career path and the importance of modernizing the Army and the challenges of securing funding for the $16 billion, 15-year Modernization Plan.

The Organic Industrial Base, or known within the Defense Community as the OIB, consists of 23 arsenals, depots, and ammunition plants that provide essential maintenance and repair capabilities for the Army’s equipment and systems.

Stephanie started her career in one of those arsenals as a physical scientist at the Army’s Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center (JMTC), in Rock Island, Illinois.  She then advanced to the Joint Munitions Command (JMC) and then eventually to her current role within the Army Materiel Command in Huntsville.  

Stephanie has had great mentors and shares how these Army leaders have helped guide and inspire her through her incredible career.  This is a great episode for anyone who may also be considering serving our country in the military or as a civilian.  


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E45: Sony Pictures Vice President of Global Still Photography Chrissy Quesada on Promotion & Publicity